This article is intended to provide guidance on how to reduce the pain and discomfort that hemorrhoids cause. Many hemorrhoid sufferers are at a loss when their affliction develops, and the key to successful treatment lies in gaining as much knowledge as possible.
If you improve certain hygiene practices you should be able to decrease the likelihood of getting external hemorrhoids. Try using softer toilet paper that doesn’t leave any behind, and keeping moistened wipes for using after doing your business.
Witch hazel is a product that could help to alleviate some of the pain felt from hemorrhoids. This astringent shrinks the inflamed tissues, promoting healing and alleviating pain and itching. You can soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to the area for 5-10 minutes, or you can pour some in a sitz bath.
Many hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting sphincter muscles, causing chronic irritation. If you suffer from recurring hemorrhoids, you should consider the force that you use during your libations and other activities.
Commercial treatments for hemorrhoids can be costly and often ineffective, so give some natural methods a shot. If you have just had a bowel movement, try relaxing in a lukewarm sitz bath for around 15 minutes. Never scratch or rub itching hemorrhoids, as this will only make the problem worse. Instead, use witch hazel to moisten some cloths and apply these to the affected areas for short-term relief. Consume food high in fiber, and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. This will prevent you from needing to strain during your bowel movements.
If you have to exert yourself too much to have a bowel movement, you can cause yourself hemorrhoids. Changes to your diet that can make your bowel movements easier include taking in more water, eating more fiber, and eating fewer refined foods. Squatting could also aid in quickly passing bowel movements. Prop up your feet on a stool while you use the bathroom. This relates to the reasoning behind a lack of hemorrhoid issues in various locations where the natives squat during their bowel movements, rather than sit down.
You may have checked many places for advice on how to best treat your painful hemorrhoids. We are glad that you chose to read this article. Use the ideas we have provided and you should find yourself feeling better very soon. Just be sure to consult a doctor if needed.